Tuesday, July 28, 2009

hipsterpreneur - did I just make up a word?

Ok, until someone tells me otherwise, I think I created a new word: hipsterpreneur.

Hipsterpreneur by definition: a hipster by attire/attitude, with the spirit/drive of an entrepreneur.

Hipsterpreneur in context:

Me: when are you coming to SF to visit?

@RachelleLacroix: my BF is still writing his thesis

Me: he'll be inspired by the hipsterpreneur spirit of SF.

Hipsterpreneur in real life:

See Kevin Rose. (photo credit: Read The Smiths)


~Penelope said...


can i tell you that i've thought i invented a word before, been excited, and checked urban dictionary to see like 12 other people thought of it? because i have. but so it appears, by the definitive source, as far as i'm concerned, that you've invented a word! quick! claim it!
xo, e

Geoff Gaspar said...

My "entry is under review by editors."


~Penelope said...

review over! congrats, you invented a word!

Geoff Gaspar said...

love it. :-)