Monday, July 14, 2008

My friend Miles lives in Angola

Pop quiz: without doing a Google Maps search, could you point to Angola on a map?

My buddy Miles can. His company shipped him off to Angola to save the world or something like that. ;-)

Here's what his first day was like (read more about it on his blog, Machimbombo Madness -- where "machimbombo means 'bus'"):

"In my list of first impressions I'm tempted to look for similarities with Brazil, but it's honestly more as if some distant planet had tapped into Brazilian TV and became addicted to their soap operas, food, and culture, but somehow just couldn't get the portuguese accent quite right. ... The people everywhere with whatever they have to sell on their head, in their arms, tied to their back and walking through traffic... The constant hum of construction and deadlocked traffic... That's what this place is like. It is total chaos here, and for the short amount of time I've been here, I like it."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I cannot believe you have had a blog for a month and today is the first I am finding out about it. I am hurt.
You are giong on my blog roll.