Then, after ten hour days in front of the computer screen, I feel obliged to pay attention to the real world for a minute. The real world includes my BlackBerry, though. So I could spend all night checking Facebook on my phone, but the BlackBerry app for Facebook has a little, itty, bitty flaw.
It allows you to send OUT messages, but doesn't let you receive them. Sure, sure: you can look at status updates and update your own. You can even upload pictures. But you can't receive messages.
Is the guy/gal who built the Facebook app for BlackBerry still on the job? Do you mind adding that one little feature?
Yah, I'm a jackass. The Facebook app for the BlackBerry allows you to do just about everything that Facebook does, you just have to set up your preferences in Facebook correctly. The folks up at RIM even put instructions for how to do this on the Getting Started on Facebook page on So... yah... a mobile post will be coming soon about how happy I am to be using Facebook on my BlackBerry.